see my new spects so nice!
hahas love it to death!
my degree go up so no choice le...
the front is blackish although the person said it was greenish...confused about the colour...
help me decide wads the colour pls if not it is always a question to me...a little heavy leh this spects but very hip sia! hahas!
i rock!
maria sharapova rocks!
roddick rocks!
GOD rocks!
i rock the rest!
its just pictures of you and me. 4:28 PM.
ASSHOLE MR GOH the whole school hates him and he knows he's a ji ko pei he molested me todae! he rubbed his ass(butt) against my hands twice wtf! how can a teacher do that? and subra is an jackass who the whole class oso hates him except mandy cause she pitied him when marshall throw all his things on the floor! she like subra OMG!
another news brought to u by stacie chn! shawn has been in love with someone lately! guess who??...MANDY!! OMG !!! seriously when shawn talks he is very shy to mandy but when he tok to me larh...KANASAI!! aiyo cant stand him like girl like that so shy veyr nice to bully duh! it looks like zhan wang likes either mandy,michelle or dawn...(sobx not me)...jkjk but he said he like someone in the class
it looks like my blog has turned into a rumor blog sobx!princess into a frog!
its just pictures of you and me. 10:04 PM.
hahas.ytd very fun! i had table tennis after school till 5:30 =D than coach said to me that i got potential =D he onlii said to me larh and its the main coach told me one leh out of so many people he said i had potential =D so happy =D onlii me lorh =D okok no boasting le =D later i will have lots of training if i get into the school team i'm dead! 2 times per week siann...muz stay back so many days tennis cancelled because i muscle ache and abit sick =( my whole class muscle ache larh very funny =D all walk very slow accept those lucky ones no muscle ache could hardly walk btw....climb the stairs all screaming larhz so funny couldnt stop laughing stupid mr ngo sicko larh saw him after school told him that my whole class muscle ache he laugh like shit larh asshole siaa...chicken...chicken = jin gen chicken = chikiwa =DD hehex okok i go maple le hahas going lv up today i dun care 50% more actually 60% more sian de lor 10% is 15min 15min x 6 = 1h half ok larh not that long but still tok and play lehzz 2h sian de lorh okok byebye =DD have fun tagging =D
its just pictures of you and me. 9:21 AM.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
heyy...this is so boring...i'm alittle frustrated about the links between mandy,amanda and dawn...dont know whats wrong with the link..check and telly with other links but still the same what...tell me ur links maybe something wrong with the links...i even deleted some of my old friends but not very close though...
today at table was fun! but boring too...u know u will expect the same thing to happen every was alittle different...i met a new friend-sec3 senior...guess wads her name =jiawen =D same as my chinese name =D although han yu pin ying the same,the wordings are different...she taught me many things like for-hand and backhand =D was pretty happy with myself =D could do quite well for today =D 9/10 couldnt give full marks cause did some wrong strokes too =D overall was okay =D haha so thats aboout today
anyway i'm very tired now cause table tennis ended at like what ?!?! 6:30?!?! stupid mr joshua tan made us do some stuff until about 7pm le sian...idiot chicken....(ps.not jin gen)
its just pictures of you and me. 9:42 PM.
hahas.juz post than post hahas...just now went westmall to get some stuff for our science project and decided to take the mrt with lonely mandy...michelle they all go swimming...make us so bored...all their fault..come back kana alittle nagging from my grandmother on the wad dont go ppl's hs so often blahblah...hiazz...listening to music...stressing out...writing science project's soo lammee...should ask mandyy quickly come see what i post she muz be mad oh no!!she's messaging me le...stress....
its just pictures of you and me. 5:15 PM.
hahas. mandy has been mixing with too many boys that took my notice on her too...lets see who she has been with lately
Mandy1.Khaerrudin(wadever its spelled)
2.Jing Ann
3.Hon kuan(oh no!its ah gong...ltr ah ma angry)
4.Shawn(thats disgusting know!)
5.Parthiban(no!thats wrong mandy!he's michelle's)
6. & mostly with me =D (cause i'm beside her?!?! so bad...cant change place she so noisy =D)
okaiis all for fun no angry thingys =DD i dont know ur 1e4 guys but sooon...i willl knoowww!!=D
its just pictures of you and me. 5:11 PM.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
i'm gonna take a freaking long time to recover this maple doing server check sian i can lv up than now cannot le lol...lucky this morning i nvr login if not reach the start than dc i die sure lose items one...
ytd did not bring my keys so stayed outside alone outside my hs and had a crrazy dog braking inside....went to mandy's hs after with and met nichole too and we played some lame stuff after about 2hs it was 5pm and nichole had to go so we walked her to sun plaza...i was actually waiting for my mum to fetch me after going pulau tekong to bring my brother home...than we walk walk around the mall didnt want to go back mandy's hs yet so slack abit...called home and found that my brother was actually home not long ago...ARGH...waste my time could went home rest and play maple...ytd was a day just too tiring...slp until this morning 8am i came down to continue slping on the sofa from 8am-11am just wake up lolx!
its just pictures of you and me. 11:15 AM.
i'm super frustrated today...i'm sick which put me into a very big disadvantage...i cant go to clemence BBQ party and i must still go to the freaking fooking class committee training and waste my whole monday morning holiday on some like 5hrs lar WTHELL?!?! butch of crappy people who organise this must be out of their minds they must be so lonely that they need some students to fill the school with noise if not they are not satisfade at all...butch of kiddos...and they bastord who put the fcuking words on miie tagboard..if i get u u are so gonna get bashed up by miie..who have i disturb u...only lamoes will go to others and put "..." as their name and say fcuk than hide in a corner wait for a damn. reply and just be a little coward a hell fcuking coward...dont know what u must be thinking...i didnt even disturb anyone this time and suddenly someone comes and say some vulgarities at me...asshole*ROAWR*! pissed off with the world today and i'm still in my damn school uniform on this bad cloudy moody monday and have to eat home on this fcuking day notice i dont use vulgarities on my blog often only when i'm really fcuking pissed ARGH!!
its just pictures of you and me. 5:56 PM.
sian...i'm sick again now i'm very sick not like the other times...i had a fever of 39degrees so it is very high...sore throat,flu...all stupid sickness is pointing at me...dont tell me i have any DISEASE i'm so scared...somemore today i had something....michelle,dawn,amanda should the 10 oclock show on chnU scared cannot watch cause take my medicine..10 i muz take i sweating like crap...haha...juz nice my maple patch ok le!! yea man!! LV UP!! but dont know can work or not..
its just pictures of you and me. 8:29 PM.
heyy!!aiya i scored pretty well for history and average for science..although i'm 1 of the top 10 for science=D highest was 35 i think..history was the best! over 50 i scored 41 1/2 with is good already!! 2 of my classmates cried...not girls but embarrasing...nvm its over...they two boys fail or didnt meet mdm geetha's sad i pity them but who ask them never study...
sry that i dont post often ! pai seh!
its just pictures of you and me. 8:06 PM.